Let’s craft the voice

that will make

your audience

Yasmeen Shaban headshot


Yasmeen Shaban

Freelance Writer

A man in an office

You’re a business owner with valuable expertise in your field—but the last thing you want to do is write about your work instead of doing it.

If you struggle to find the right tone or are hesitant about your ability to connect with customers, I’m here to help.

Does this sound familiar?

  • Multitasking graphic

    “I’m too busy.”

    There aren’t enough hours in the day to operate your business and create all the content needed to grow it.

  • Frustration graphic

    “I don’t like writing.”

    Your passion and expertise lie elsewhere, so you’d rather let a professional take writing off your plate.

  • Thinking graphic

    “I don’t know where to start.”

    You have valuable knowledge and experience, but would like some help finding the right words to share them.

If so, I think we’ll be a great fit.

Do you want to draw customers in, demonstrate your value, or grow your personal brand?

Let’s create a solution for your unique vision and goals.
Here are some of the services I offer:


Dive into a topic in-depth to engage readers and increase your credibility.


Ensure that you stay present in the mind of your audience with consistent exposure.


Share your insight on a topic while also promoting your company.

Website Copy

Polish your online presence to make a lasting impression on your customers.

Video Scripts

Have confidence that your message will be clear when the camera is rolling.

Email Marketing

Promote engagement or nudge customers to return to your website.

… and More!

If you already have a particular project in mind, let’s make it happen.

Act now

Act now •